ميثاق علماء الأمة (اللغة الإنجليزية)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Charter of the Ummah’s Scholars

In Resisting the Threat of ” Political ” Normalization With the Zionist Entity

Praise be to Allah alone, and prayers, peace and blessings be upon him who no prophet came after.

Each and every Muslim in all the lands of this world considers the liberation of Islamic sanctities in Palestine, his/her cause and seeks all means to support, and his/her responsibility for which he/she will be asked.

In a historic precedent, the so-called “Global System” seeks to impose the so-called “normalization” that leads to the renunciation of the Palestine land, and to dissolve the doctrine of liberating Al-Aqsa from the filthy Jewish occupation and to forcibly Judaize the generations of Muslims .

And proceeding from Allah’s word : ( لَتُبَيِّنُنَّهُ لِلنَّاسِ وَلَا تَكْتُمُونَهُ )   meaning : « to make it understood by the people and not to conceal it », and in accordance to the Prophet’s saying, may peace be upon him, in Muslim narration and others: « religion is advice »; thus a group of Muslim scholars from all walks of life have chosen to reveal the truth on this subject and to advise the Ummah, and confirm what was agreed upon by the Ummah with no differences in it, namely, the responsibility of resisting the illegal occupation using all legitimate ways .

After scientific sessions and legal consultations, and also realistic, the gathered scholars representing their affiliations and own persons unanimously agreed that normalization in all its political, economic, cultural and sports  is abhorrent and must be forbidden and warned, and not permissible for any State nor party nor a group.

( إِنَّمَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَأَخْرَجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ وَظَاهَرُوا عَلَىٰ إِخْرَاجِكُمْ أَن تَوَلَّوْهُمْ ۚ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُمْ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ ) الممتحنة – 9 .

«  Allah forbiddeth you only those who warred against you on account of religion and have driven you out from your homes and helped to drive you out, that ye make friends of them. Whosoever maketh friends of them – (All) such are wrong-doers. » The Examiner – Verse 9 .

Thus it is obligatory to resist this evil upon everyone according to his/her means, in accordance with the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):

Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand [by taking action]; if he cannot, then with his tongue [by speaking out]; and if he cannot, then with his heart [by at least hating it and believing that it is wrong], and that is the weakest of faith.”

The scholars should put the rulers of the Muslims in particular and the Ummah in general in front of their legal responsibility to liberate the land, maintain the land and to liberate the holy sites. They affirm that the resistance to normalization is a right established by the divine messages and international covenants and norms, and with no exceptions to any needs nor interests and reality negates its argument .

And upon discharging this charter and providing advice to the Ummah regarding  normalization with the occupying Zionist entity, the formulation of this charter was contributed by senior scholars and specialists from all walks of life to serve as a constitution that governs the  Ummah’s status on normalization and to elucidate ways of resistance.

Allah speaks righteousness and guides to the right path.

 Definitions and concepts

  1. Charter is a set of principles and legal provisions approved by the signatories of the Ummah ‘s scholars on legal ruling statement regarding normalization with the Zionist entity And the legal duty statement it entails
  2. The Zionist entity is a racist, occupying and expanding entity and hostile to humanity and having grabbed Palestine lands and desecrated its holy sites and invaded the rights of its people and confiscated their freedom.
  3. Normalization is building various relationships with the Zionist entity or its representatives which leads to harm the legitimate resistance or recognition of the Zionist right to occupation of the land of Palestine and desecration of Islamic sanctities .

The objectives of normalization and its purposes

  • The Zionist entity aims from behind normalization to legitimize its entity and install its foundations and maintain its existence domestically and internationally, and ensure its expansion so that it can control the Ummah and confiscate its freedom and rob its capabilities.
  • The purposes of the collaborators with the Zionist entity is not considered legitimate and it is no more than false hopes and unrealistic and having damage to Palestine and the Ummah and belied by yesterday ‘s experiences and the realities of today and future insights.

The characterization of the Zionist entity and its legality

  • The Zionist entity is an entity legally void of its existence based upon occupation of the homes and grabbing and attacks on religious holy sites, the soul, the mind, the funds and offspring, thus Jihad against this occupation and its resistance is a duty in Islamic law .
  • The Zionist entity is an entity legally non – existent since it was established by virtue of force and terrorism , thus resistance – including armed resistance – is a right guaranteed by international norms and laws.
  • All international resolutions issued to legitimize the existence of the Zionist entity is considered legally null and void according to law.

The Shariah and Legal Provisions on Political Normalization

  • Normalization with the Zionist entity is legally forbidden since it infringes the requirements of the faith and its responsibilities which are based on loyalty to the believers and provide support and defend against the aggressors and not to express affection nor fraternity since they drove the Muslims out of their homes and sanctities.
  • All the agreements and understandings concluded with the Zionist entity and the consequent obligations are forbidden and void and not enforceable, and forbids obedience of the ruler on this aspect, and not legally binding since it attacks the Ummah and the Palestinian people.
  • The existence of the Zionist entity on the ground and presence of some normalization either secretly or in public does not change the Shariah and legal ruling and does not rescind duty of struggle and resistance.
  • The ruling on normalization does not change in exchange for some land and some rights restoration.
  • All attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause through projects on settlement of refugees or Judaization of the holy sites does not give the Zionist entity its right of existence nor disregard the occupation and aggression , which is the focus on the sanctity of normalization.

Normalization and the Task of the Ruler

  1. The task of the ruler is to safeguard the religion and world politics to achieve interests and prevent evil actions, thus normalization with the Zionist entity is a betrayal of the contract between the ruler and citizens since the evils of the Zionist entity are contrary to the setup of the ruler in Islamic law .

Principles and principles in Resistance to normalization

  1. Resistance to normalization with the Zionist entity is consistent with the divine laws and international norms and laws which justifies to boycott the oppressor and to support and advocate for the oppressed so as to recover the oppressed rights .
  2. Resistance to normalization is consistent with the values of rights, justice, freedom and dignity that humanity has joined together .
  3. Resistance to normalization is consistent with the fights between right and wrong, good and evil, and the necessity of supporting the oppressed against the oppressors .
  4. Resistance to normalization takes off from the strategy of the Ummah in the liberation of Palestine .

Purposes of the resistance of normalization

  1. Resistance to normalization with the Zionist entity aims to preserve the religion and the Ummah’s security and interests and retain the Islamic sense of the Ummah and its psychological rejection of the occupation.
  2. The resistance to normalization is aimed at besieging The Zionist entity and to refuse and thwart all attempts to integrate the Zionist entity in the region and to legitimize its existence.
  3. The resistance to normalization aims at strengthening the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and supporting their resistance and rights .

The disadvantages of normalization and its dangers

  • The normalization with the Zionists threatens the major Islamic and humanitarian principles such as freedom, justice and human dignity and global peace and security .
  • Normalization with the Zionists is a danger to the doctrine of the Muslim Ummah and the status of its sanctities and also threatens the Shariah law which aims to safeguard the Muslim Ummah, its religion, self, property, mind and offspring .
  • Normalization with the Zionists threatens the resistance project and weaken its purpose in the hearts of the Ummah .
  • The political normalization with the Zionist entity leads to the recruitment of the Arab and Islamic countries in the liquidation and elimination of the Palestinian cause, and to dispel the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people to liberate their land and regain their rights in full .
  • The security of the Ummah is on unity and thus any normalization is the passage for the total Zionist security and military domination of the Arab and Islamic Ummah .
  • Political normalization is overturns the reality and the enemy becomes a friend which threatens the security and stability of Arab and Islamic countries .
  • Normalization with the Zionist entity impedes all attempts of change and reform in the Arab and Islamic Ummah .
  • Political normalization disrupts the awareness of the Ummah thus transforming the people and countries into fragmented Ummah and  thus obstructs all attempts to unify the Ummah and its renaissance and building up of a modern civilized nation.
  • Normalization limits the Ummah’s capabilities, changes its security and military doctrine, and redefines its networks of relations in order to transform the collaborating countries into tools for the occupation .
  • Normalization with the Zionist entity threatens the Ummah’s way of life, values of its peoples and trends of loyalties, and the culture of resistance and independence to fade and disappear.
  • Normalization with the Zionist entity is a psychological defeat and the acceptance of the superiority of Zionist values, civilization and culture, and thus undermine the spirit of the Ummah, mind, thought and existence.
  • Normalization with the Zionist entity fabricates the facts of history and falsifies awareness and disperses the Arab and Islamic cultural heritage .


  • The resistance to normalization is a legitimate duty and the responsibility of human civilization rests  upon segments of the Arabic, Islamic and humanitarian groups and its individuals, institutions and all groups, each having its own action and influential role in the resistance to normalization
  • The statement on the Shariah ruling on normalization with the Zionist entity is a duty of the scholars, and failure to take action is concealment of knowledge.
  • To protect the truth, the holy scholars have refuted in this charter the justification for normalization in the name of peace and reconciliation.
  • Attacking the Zionist project and abandoning its treaties is the duty of the rulers and governments so as to preserve the Ummah’s creed, its laws and its sanctities .
  • The criminalization of normalization with the Zionist entity and collaborators to be made accountable and to legalize the boycott of the Zionist entity is a constitutional and legal duty upon the legislative, institutional and human rights organizations .
  • The leadership of the resistance project is the duty of movements, parties and Islamic groups using its resources of the elite and popularity.
  • The thinkers, intellectuals, media professionals and opinion leaders (individuals and institutions) to expose the normalization and to formulate public opinion that is against normalization .
  • The Arab and Islamic communities have a greater duty to confront the Zionist entity and to forsake its support .
  • Young people must be in the forefront of resistance to normalization with the Zionists through appropriate and decent means.
  • The formulation of a women’s public opinion in rejecting normalization and preserving the identity of the Ummah and its sanctities is the duty of the women .
  • The upbringing of children and the nurturing of generations to resist normalization is a prime duty in the family and educational institutions .

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